
Art by: Saurabh Singh (@art.soopified on Instagram)

In this state of lockdown, where days just merge with each other, blurring any importance Sunday had over Monday, today is different. Death of a legend marks what would have been an indistinguishable day into something that will always be remembered as a sad day for the movie enthusiasts, because we won’t be able to see Irrfan Khan perform anymore.

I remember seeing Salaam Bombay! a few days ago, and the brief cameo Irrfan had in it. My heart and brain had exalted in recognition of the lanky letter-writer; you cannot miss him, even in the tiny window he gets. Same with his appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man – he worked in Hollywood long before it was cool. All the movies I have watched with him in it have taught me one thing or the other, made me re-examine myself. In his widely acclaimed The Lunchbox he told me to talk about things lest we forget them; in Life In A Metro he made my heart sigh in relief to know that love exists and all you need to do is ask for it to be yours; Karwaan and Piku taught me the beauty of the journey which can be more fulfilling than the destination.

With his wide eyes that could pull you in and also shut you out, a smile that could spread warmth and chills in equal measures, Irrfan came in this industry of entertainment and made his space in both the cine world and consequentially our hearts. There will never come a day when I don’t get wistful of a love I never had when I watch The Lunchbox or crippled with the weight of loss I have never felt after I watch Life Of Pi. You did it, Irrfan.

If there really exists something after death, I hope you are in a place that offers tranquillity. That’s what you gave us, and that’s what you deserve.


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