Whoever said writing's boring?

In the spaces between my last poetry
And yesterday’s countlessly scratched scribbles
Lies an uproar of words and thoughts
That demands to bleed on paper.
They don’t really like digital screens
Because I am too liberal in backspacing
Their existence into the void of nothingness
As if it didn’t matter.
Their vengeance is raw and brutal
As they howl and tear and slash at me
For being foolish and arrogant enough
To think that I could contain and obliterate them.
Exhausted to my bone with their assault
I ask them for the same mercy
They granted to Tagore for turning
Word slashing into an admirable art.
In the spaces between my last poetry
And today’s carefully written scribbles
Lies an uproar of laughter and disbelief
That demands to have a reality check.


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