
Daisy Fields by Helen Roddie

"Why daisies?" 

"You know what Karl Marx once said? He said - Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form." 
"Can you never answer a question simply?" 
"Why do you always need an answer?" 
"You know what? Forget I asked." 

"Why do we love something?" 
"Since you are someone who always looks for the answer, you must know this. Why do we love something?" 
"Um ... well I guess because that person-" 
"No no. I didn't ask why we love someone. I said something. An object, not a person." 

"Hmmm ... I am not sure. I mean, as I was saying, we love someone, a person or even an animal, because ultimately that feeling gets reciprocated. That's what it is all about right, in the end? Getting back what you give, even though you don't consciously make a decision to do so. When the feeling is not reciprocated by that person, we move on. I am not sure about objects though. We just ... give. Right?" 
"I don't know - you are the one with all the answers." 
"Come on, don't play with me." 
"I am not. That's what I am trying to tell you. Not everything needs to be answered or solved or even questioned. Some things are just better left unsaid. Even we know that on a subconscious level. Why else would we love objects?" 
"Because objects make you happy! There's your answer. We love something because it makes us happy." 
"Well, then there's your answer." 
"What answer?" 
"To - why daisies." 

"But why do they make you happy?" 

She just laughs. After all, for all the questions in the world, she had him for answers.


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